Easingwold with Raskelf Anglican Churches

Diocese of York

Easingwold Deanery

Contact Us

Vicar: Revd Margaret Young           - 01347 821394

          The Vicarage                       email: vicar@easingwoldraskelfanglican.org

          Church Hill


          North Yorkshire

          YO61 3JT


Churchwardens: Laura Varney         - 01347 823751

                                Pat Allen         - 01347 821139

Safeguarding Officer: Laura Varney    - 01347 823751

PCC Secretary: Hazel Henebury - pccsecretary@easingwoldraskelfanglican.org

Parish Magazine Editorial Team : magazine@easingwoldraskelfanglican.org

Office Administration : Sara Beaumont - office@easingwoldraskelfanglican.org

Website administrator (for website issues only) : admin@easingwoldraskelfanglican.org

 Find Easingwold Church

 Church Hill, Easingwold,

 North Yorkshire YO61 3JU

 Find Raskelf Church

 Church End, Raskelf,

 North Yorkshire YO61 3LG